EDC 2900 DENISE FARRELLY This project holds great importance for teacher education students at KCC as it scaffolds them through […]
EDC 4200 & SPED 5700G (City College of New York) DENISE FARRELLY & ROBIN GLASSBERG Title of Activity/Assignment: (Un)Plugged Name […]
COURSES: PSY 2400, EDC 3200, EDC 2500, EDC 5000 CAROL CARIELLI, PH.D., LMHC Title of Activity/Assignment: One Size Fits All? […]
COURSE: EDC 92 – Seminar and Practicum in Early Childhood Special Education LAURA KATES Artifact Description: This project is designed […]
EDC 91 Supervised Instructional Experience in Education I JOANNA MAULBECK Artifact Description: This artifact is a resource – a how-to […]
EDC 90A4: Seminar and Practicum in Teacher Development I DELIA HERNANDEZ Guiding Question: How do we build an equitable classroom […]
Course: EDC 200: Social Foundations of Education LAURA SCHEIBER Title of Activity/Assignment: Tinkering with AI and engaging in CRITICAL digital […]